Hello Fellas! I’m back with loads of information to share. But first, let me ask something exciting. During our college days, we all buy our stuff from local shops or flea market. So, do you remember the name of the shop you bought your college bag from? or the brand of the dress you bought for a friend’s birthday? Even though the dress was fabulous, you really don’t remember the name of the brand or the shop. Do you?
Okay, I’d rather like to know, if you remember the roadside restaurant that you had stopped by while traveling from one city to another? Even though the food tasted great, you might not remember the name of the restaurant. Like, how often do we even notice the name of such places or how often we remember it? Let’s be honest, we don’t.
I’m not really bragging it, but do you think this would be the situation if you visit McDonald or Dominos? Or if you buy from brands like ZARA or H&M. Well, the answer is no. And the reason is that you’re quite familiar with these brands. But, how are you so familiar that you can recognize them instantly? And what if two brands offer the same product categories like NIKE and ADIDAS, how can one distinguish them?
Well, the moment you look at their logos, you don’t need any other introduction, you’ll realize that all of them have unique identities that are making them world famous. Even if several brands offer the same categories, it is their LOGO only that help us distinguish them. This is what a good logo can do to any brand. The four letters word is not as simple as it spells.
We’re indeed surrounded by brands. If I start counting it around me, I can easily come up with a list of 10. From food & beverages brands like Maggie, coke, Oreo to apparel brands like Levis, US Polo, Nike, Adidas, these are countless.
A logo is the brand identity that establishes a timeless mark for the company, hence it can’t be taken as granted. Well, now that we know it gives a unique identity, let me just put more information into it. Why does it really matter and what’s the purpose of a “LOGO” or "LOGO DESIGN"?
This blog would help graphic designers and business owners know what they really need to understand before creating a magical brand identity.
What’s the sole purpose of a LOGO?
With my above example of Nike and Adidas, we could easily gather that the primary purpose of the logo is to IDENTIFY, that’s it. Period.
It should be easy for a layman to understand and retain the brand because of its logo. Hence, this sole purpose is the foundation of a brand/company. If the general audience can’t identify your brand through its logo, it’s a big failure I guess!
Thus, before working on a logo, a designer or business owner should first understand the nature of the business, the users of your brand, the brand's competitors. What colors and symbols are already owned by established competition? How can we differentiate the logo so the business stands out from the herd? All these points are imperative. After all, we can’t just ignore the basic research.
So, summing up the purpose with the most appropriate quote given by PAUL RAND - A logo doesn’t sell (directly) it identifies.
Could we agree more?
Now that, the purpose is clear, let’s just try to understand
why does it really matter?
1. They are the ultimate identity of a brand
Assuredly, logos are the face of the business/brands. It is much more than just an image; it is a point of recognition for clients and a way to stand out individually among the competitors. If the identity is unique in the marketplace, it becomes easy to find and recognize the company once again to purchase its services and to recommend to friends.
A bite out of an apple and a white f with a blue background are few of my favorite brand logos. Ah, I'm not the only one, it’s everyone’s favorite!
2. Creates everlasting impression
Don’t we make judgments about certain things in our mind by just its first impression? Common we can’t deny, we all do that. The logo design is no exception. The moment we see a logo, we will immediately make judgments and perceive a business, product or service in a certain way. It’s the exceptional and most appropriate shapes, colors or the fonts that make easier for the human brain to process and memorize.
If a logo is well designed, it becomes memorable and makes a great first impression. Hence, you have only one chance to create that first impression and I love to say this always that the first impression is always the last one.
3. Communicates brand values and meaning.
Though, the true meaning of a logo might not be conveyed at the first go, if it’s well designed, you’ll understand the meaning with time. A logo’s purpose is to identify but it can be leveraged to communicate its brand message as well. Every brand has a unique message to convey, a logo does that job for them.
4. Establishes instant connect
A logo can work wonders in making instant and long-lasting connections which a brand can’t do it alone. According to a study, the audience forms an image about the brand from its logo within 9 sec after seeing it.
To really need to understand this, picture it in your mind “a tick or an M with yellow color”. I’m certain you’ll immediately associate it with your memories, experiences, and interactions with the brand.
So, these points are enough to conclude that Logos matter to the world and are so darn important for a business or a brand. With so many businesses in the world, a company has one golden chance to impress and lure through their enticing logo design. Would you ever want to lose that chance? Because if the logo design fails to impress onlookers in today’s internet driven world it’s very easy to go elsewhere.
Do you see what importance do they carry? Still, some business owners or companies do not consider hiring professional services for Logo Design. They choose to go down the DIY route or use low-cost amateur designers. Perhaps, they’re unaware of the damage a poor design is causing to their brand. When the first impression matters so much, nobody should risk that.
I love saying this one too “there’s nothing more expensive than cheap design’.